Artificial Intelligence – a Fireside Chat in Frankfurt/Main, September 7, 2017
Not that you expect all experts sharing the same opinion on AI. Not at all. And partly the discussion at the House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM) in Frankfurt circled around the fact that what mankind does with AI has to do with attitude. Some countries (read: societies) are just more relaxed about AI use in practice than others. However, it was quite refreshing to hear from the experts that for using the term “artificial intelligence” without friction, we would need a good mutual understanding of what (human) intelligence is in the first place.
Panel participants (see below) shared some of the exciting developments e.g. at Continental’s AI lab in preparation of the self-driving cars. Including experiences from deep learning. Funny enough some AI showed “dumb” outcomes, while also very impressive results from the artificial species were reported. It was pointed out how much detailed work there is still to be done to understand how humans learn in order to teach bots to learn.
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